Once upon a time, before there was even a thing called punk, along came a bunch of punks, a gang of servicemen stationed in Germany who shaved the tops of their heads and very briefly engaged in complete musical insanity, the reverberations of which I still feel in my innards when it’s cranked up high. Next week: An Interview With Foxygen’s Jonathan Rado!
- Official playlist curated by Dave on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jR7WvC0MY7YDcxaF2LTN2?si=set8WAfSTMKndZATzLQzZA
- Boys Are Boys, live in 1966 (get ready for your jaw to drop if you haven’t seen it): https://youtu.be/0_t3Cp7rVgc
- Monks Chant, live in 1966: https://youtu.be/3H-fmmNmrRs
- Oh, How To Do Now, live in 1966: https://youtu.be/Bic0lgcEjY4
- Complication, live in 1966: https://youtu.be/uNSQ5mYX-Pw
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